
A State Space Tool for Dynamic Models

Version 0.1.9 Released
Tuesday, September 25, 2001

Version 0.1.9 is now available for download. This release offers major performance boosts over the earlier versions. Check out the benchmarks. There is still a lot to be done in the performance corner, though, but we are slowly getting there.

New Homepage
Tuesday, September 18, 2001

The project home page is finally set up. The "real" work on the RefChecker has so far kept me from the necessary html hacking, but no more. Now, at least, there is a few pages describing the project. (A bit more documentation would be nice though...)

Version 0.1.8 Released
Sunday, September 16, 2001

Version 0.1.8 is now available for download. This release offers no significant functionality enhancements over 0.1.7, but the installation scripts (and general installation functionality) has been improved to the point where they actually work ;->

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